Ordinary Life: Book Review

Dust of the Universe by V.S. KemanisOne of my readers gave me Ordinary Life: Stories, by Elizabeth Berg, and mentioned that the themes in the book reminded her of my collection Dust of the Universe, tales of family. I’m so thankful for this gift.

Each story in this collection reflects exactly what the title says, ordinary life. So simple, yet so deep, these stories touch on the exquisite moments we all experience and can relate to. Elizabeth Berg reawakens us to the small things that make us human, make life worth living. She reminds us to be grateful for the routine and commonplace events that give us comfort, delight, and yes, magic.

The opening and closing stories in this collection are perfect bookends Ordinary Life: Storiesto the theme. In the opening piece, “Ordinary Life: A Love Story,” a woman of 79 takes a week-long timeout from her husband to reflect on her life. The memories and images of people, possessions, and family milestones tumble out in a free flow of association. At this stage of her life, she wonders where the time went and what’s next. “How could she have known that ordinary life would have such allure later on?”

The closing story, “Today’s Special,” is about how good it feels to eat in a diner. Is there anything more mundane? It’s an extraordinary piece of writing! The author tells us in the afterword that this is one of her earliest stories, a reflection on what she might tell a friend who is suffering from depression. It’s a wonderful description of the comfort food and the people in the diner, along with a list of other everyday images, ending with this: “Isn’t it those small things that add the necessary shape and meaning to our lives? And don’t we miss seeing them if we look too hard for big things?”

Many of the relationships in these stories have suffered a gradual erosion from the tedium of everyday life. This is something we all struggle with. Underlying the weight of years is the yearning for something BIG, the revelation of a grand plan. Habits and patterns of behavior become ingrained and hurtful to others. “We all return to what’s familiar to us… Even if it’s not so wonderful, it’s what we know,” a man tells his wife, who struggles with the anger she feels toward her emotionally distant, verbally abusive father. (I love the name of that story: “One Time at Christmas, in my Sister’s Bathroom”!)

The story that really hit me was “Take this Quiz.” It concludes with a metaphor that’s a bit too obvious, but its placement at the end and the truth it reveals runs deep. The implicit message is clear and applies to every relationship, whether casual or intimate: Once the words are out of your mouth, it’s too late to take them back.

Each story is a compact little gem with a lesson to learn or a nugget for inner reflection. The stories move toward something. In their struggles with interpersonal relationships, Berg’s characters always make a transition toward self-knowledge, acceptance, or revelation.

Dear Short Story Lovers: I highly recommend Ordinary Life.

And V.S. Kemanis at KGB Barspeaking of short stories, here I am at the iconic KGB Bar in Manhattan last month, reading my short story “Times Square Tail” from Malocclusion, tales of misdemeanor. What a fun night!

Malocclusion, tales of misdemeanor






Stay tuned for more great news about my short stories: cover reveal for a collection of selected stories, and new stories accepted for magazine and anthology publications!


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